Purchasing lottery tickets online is much different than buying them at a brick-and-mortar store. Lottery websites accept multiple deposit methods, including Bitcoin. TheLotter, for example, offers 30 different deposit methods. Online lotteries notify winners via email, SMS, direct deposit, and even in person. However, you should be aware of the rules of your chosen game before playing it. Listed below are some tips for playing lottery games online.
It is legal to play lottery games online in all fifty states. This is possible because of legislation enacted more than five decades ago. The Wire Act, which prohibits sports bettors from placing wagers by telephone, has been interpreted by many legislators to include the Internet. In fact, the Wire Act has long impacted the debate about online lottery sales in the U.S., and some jurisdictions are considering new laws to allow lottery games to be sold online.
Since 2012, the Illinois Lottery has made purchasing lottery tickets online easy for subscribers. Besides Powerball, Mega Millions, and Pick-3, Illinois lottery subscribers can now purchase tickets online for all of these games. The Pick-3 and Pick-4 games are smaller versions of powerful lottery draws and require players to select random numbers. There are also lottery apps available for iPhones and Androids. Moreover, these apps allow players to purchase tickets on the go.
Despite the risks and legalities, purchasing lottery tickets online is a great way to increase your chances of winning the jackpot! Although online sales may not be legal in every state, the Michigan Lottery, for example, has surpassed its $8 million sales weekly goal within two years. This success story should be followed by other lottery stakeholders, as online sales have had no negative impact on their retail channels. In fact, in June 2017, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed legislation authorizing online lotto ticket sales.