Regardless of the form or format of sport, there are certain things to remember before you start playing a game. Most sports involve rules and customs that ensure a fair competition and objective adjudication of winner and loser. In sports like boxing, a person’s performance is evaluated by a judge. The judge scores different elements of the sporting performance, both objective and subjective. The goal is to determine the best performer and assign a winner.
In sports, competition between individuals aims to improve one’s skills and abilities, while entertainment is another benefit. Sports provide enjoyment and physical fitness for both participants and spectators. Hundreds of different sports are played around the world, from single contestants to teams of hundreds. Some involve many contestants at the same time, while others involve two teams. Some are not competitive at all, but are intended to entertain. There are a variety of definitions and standards for sports, but these basic guidelines are applicable to most.
The modern world’s sports emerged from the Renaissance. While the Soviet Union’s self-imposed sports isolation lasted until 1991, the communist societies of eastern Europe dominated the Olympic Games. The sixteen-million-person East Germany won the gold medal, beating the United States, 15 times the size of their country. Many of these victories were achieved by using banned substances. In addition to using banned substances, Eastern German athletes were more interested in scientific training in their sport.