The Evolution of Sports


While some forms of sports are still purely aesthetic, most focus on the quantification of performance. The transition from Renaissance to modern sports can be seen in the semantic change: the word measure, which once connoted a sense of proportion and balance, now has a more scientific meaning. Whether it is a marathon or a short-track race, all types of physical activity can be considered sports. Despite the evolution of sports, the aesthetic elements are still present.

In addition to being a great leveller, sports are an excellent way to learn about self-confidence and the importance of never giving up. People who love to compete in sports are rewarded with the satisfaction of achieving success and peace of mind. Sports also teach positive body language and respect for opponents. Those who are averse to conflict may feel more stressed than those who are confident and calm. Nevertheless, the stress from competition is healthy and serves as a motivation to succeed.

The bourgeoisie of the Middle Ages enjoyed archery matches and often staged them with much fanfare. Archery companies paraded behind the patron saints. Similarly, lower classes participated in different sports. Archery matches were often followed by grand feasts. There was also a high incidence of drunkenness. The Pritschenkoenig was responsible for maintaining order and entertaining the crowd with clever verses. The bourgeoisie was often the first to enjoy sporting competitions.